
Type:Elite presence
Original text:Nec mora, rapitur episcopus [Egidius] et ad Metensim urbem [...] permisit eum ad urbem suam [Remensem] redire, dirigens epistulas [...] ad omnis regni sui pontifices, ut medio mense nono ad discutiendum in urbe supradicta adesse deberent [...] Denique convenientes, pertracti sunt usque Metinsem urbem, ibique et praefatus Egidius adfuit [...] Otto, qui tunc refrendarius fuerat, cuius ibi subscriptio meditata, tenebatur, adfuit [...] adfuit et abba Epifanius basilicae sancti Remegii ... [...]Then Epiphanius, the Abbot of the Church of Saint Remigius, appeared in court ..
Translation text:The Bishop [Egidius] had been implicated in the plot made by Rauching, Ursio and Berthefried to kill King Childebert. The Bishop was immediately seized and dragged off to the town of Metz [...] Childebert gave him permission to return to his city. Meanwhile [...] The King sent letters to all the bishops of his realm, ordering them to meet in the city of Metz in the middle of November to take part in the trial [...] the bishops met together and then they were compelled to go on to Metz, where Egidius was now awaiting trial. [...] Otto, who was Referendary at the time and was supposed to have written the studied signature, was ordered to appear
RoleNameReason typeReason
BishopGregory, bishop of ToursCouncilCouncil deposes Egidius of Reims
KingChildebert IICouncilCouncil deposes Egidius of Reims
BishopEgidius, bishop of RheimsCouncilCouncil deposes Egidius of Reims
OtherOttoCouncilReferendarius, testifying against Egidius of Reims
AbbotEpiphaniusCouncilTestifying against Egidius of Reims at court
Publications:Halfond 2010: 235


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem10.19573594