Woëvre (castrum Vabrensim)

Type:Christian cult place
Original text:Childeberthus vero rex, collecto exercitu, ad locum dirigi iubet, in quo Ursio ac Bertefredus inclusi morabantur. Erat enim villa in pago Vabrense, cui inminebat mons arduus. In huius cacumine basilicam in honore sancti ac baetissimi Martini construxit. Ferebant enim ibi castrum antiquitus fuisse; sed nunc non cura, sed natura tantum monitus erat.
Translation text:King Childebert assembled an army and ordered it to proceed to the place where Ursio and Berthefried were still taking refuge. This was an estate in the Woëvre region, dominated by a high hill. On top of this hill there had been built a church in honour of the blessed Saint Martin. In former times, or so they say, there used to be a strong-point here; but nowadays the site is protected more by nature than by art
Type of Christian cult place:Unknown
Person role:Unknown
Date of foundation to:587


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem9.11573594