Soissons - St Crispin and Crispian

Type:Elite presence
Original text:Quo interfectu, protinus unus puerorum eius cursu veloci evolans, nuntiavit coniuge eius quae acta erant. Haec vero per plateam Sessionicae civitatis, compta grandibus ornamentis ac gemmarum praetiositatibus vel auri fulgore obtecta, ascensu aequo, praecidentibus pueris [...] ad basilicam sancti Crispini Crispinianique properabat ...
Translation text:As soon as Rauching had been dispatched, one of his servants dashed off at full speed to tell his wife what had happened. At that moment she was on horseback and being carried along a street in the city of Soissons, bedecked with fine jewels and precious gems, bedizened with flashing gold, having a troop of servants [...] hurrying off to the Church of Saint Crispin and Saint Crispian.
RoleNameReason typeReason
OtherRauching's wifeResidencevisiting the cathedral for feast-day of the martyrs


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem9.9573594