
Type:Elite presence
Original text:Quibus pergentibus adque ad urbem Sessionas accedentibus, a Rauchingo duci capti discussique omnia reserent, et sic in carcere legati sunt. Post dies vero pauces, Fredegundis, certa iam, quod fuissent implete quae fuerant imperata, misit puerum inquerere, quid aut rumor populi ferret, aut si aliquem inveniret indicantem, qui diceret Childeberthum iam interemptum fuisse. Egressus igitur puer ab ea, Sessionas urbem [...] Tunc onmnes simul ad Childeberthum regem directi sunt ...
Translation text:They [two assassins sent by Fredegund from Paris] set out on their journey and came to Soissons. There they were captured by Duke Rauching. They were questioned and they revealed everything, whereupon they were bound and thrown into prison. A few days passed and then Fredegund, who was quite convinced that her orders had been carried out, sent a servant to inquire whether there was any rumour circulating among the people, and to see if he could find anyone who would admit to him that Childebert had been assassinated. He left her presence and made his way to Soissons [...] All three of them were sent to King Childebert.
RoleNameReason typeReason
DukeRauchingConflict limited (private fight, feud)Arresting two assassins heading for Childebert II


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem8.29573594