
Type:Christian cult place
Original text:Tunc contra Bosonem Guntchramnum causa exoritur. Ante paucus autem dies mortua propinqua uxoris eius sine filiis, in basilicam urbis Metinsis sepulta est cum grandibus ornamentis et multo auro. Factum est autem, ut post dies paucus adesset festivitas baeiti Remedii, quae in initio mensis octavi caelebratur. Discedentibus autem multis e civitate cum episcopo et praesertim senioris urbis cum duci, venerunt pueri Bosonis Guntchramni ad basilica, in qua mulier erat sepulta. Et ingressi, conclusis super se osteis, detexerunt sepulchrum, tollentes omnia ornamenta corporis defuncti, quae reperire potuerant. Sentientes autem haec monachi basilicae illius ...
Translation text:Then a case was brought against Guntram Boso. A few days earlier a relative of his wife had died childless. She was buried in a church near Metz, together with much gold and a profusion of ornaments. It so happened that a short time later there was celebrated a feast-day of Saint Remigius, which held on the first day of October. A great crowd of the local inhabitants went out of the city with their Bishop and they were accompanied by the Duke and the leading men of the place. Thereupon Guntram Boso's servants made their way to the church where the woman had been buried and went in. As soon as they were inside they shut the doors behind them, opened the tomb and stole as many of the precious objects from the dead body as they could lay their hands on. The monks attached to the church heard ...
Type of Christian cult place:
Person role:Unknown
Monestary type:Unknown
Date of foundation from:544
Date of foundation to:585
Publications:Gaillard/Héber-Suffrin/Gauthier/Wagner 2014: 189
Gauthier 1986: 53
Prévot/Gaillard/Gauthier 2014: 583


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem8.21573594