Margut - Mont St Walfroy

Type:Christian cult place
Original text:Profecti igitur in itenere, ad Eposium castrum accessimus, ibique a Vulfiliaco diacono nancti, ad monasterium eius deducti, begnissime suscepti sumus. Est enim hoc monasterium quasi milibus octo ab antedicto castro in montis cacumine collocatum. [...] Deine territurium Trevericae urbis expetii, et in quo nunc estis monte habitaculum quod cernitis proprio labore construxi. Repperi tamen hic Dianae simulacrum, quod populus hic incredulus quasi deum adorebat [...] Verum ubi ad me multitudo vicinarum villarum confluere coepit ...
Translation text:As I travelled along I came to the town of Carignan and there I was welcomed kindly by the deacon Vulfolaic, who took me to his monastery. This is situated about eight miles from the town, on top of a hill [... Vulfolaic says:] 'I then moved to the neighbourhood of Trier, and on the hillside where you are now standing I built with my own hands the dwellings you see before you. I found here a statue of Diana, which the credulous locals worshipped as a god [...] Crowds began to flock to me from the manors in the region ...

Type of Christian cult place:Male
Date of foundation from:573
Date of foundation to:585
Publications:Pietri/Heijmans 2013: 2020-2022, s.n. Uulfilaicus
Prinz 1965: 114


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem8.15573594