
Type:Elite presence
Original text:8.13. Igitur legatus ad nepotem suum Childeberthum rex diregit, qui morabatur tunc ad castrum Confluentis, qui ob hoc nomen accepit, pro eo quod Musella Rhenusque amnes pariter confluentes in eodem loco iungantur.
8.14. Nobis itaque in antedicto castro cum regem commorantibus, dum ad convivium principis usque obscura nocte retenemerur, epulo expleto, surrexmis, venientesque ad fluvium, offendimus navem in litus, quae nobis fuerat praeperata. Ascendtibusque nobis, inruit turba hominus diversorum ...
Translation text:8.13. King Guntram sent messengers to his nephew Childebert, who was at that time living in Coblenz, so named because at this spot the two rivers Moselle and Rhine flow together and unite.
8.14. I myself stayed for some time with King Childebert in Coblenz. One night I was obliged to remain at his table until it was quite dark. When the meal was over, I rose from my seat and went down to the river. I found waiting on the bank a boat which had been made ready for me. I went on board, but a motley crowd of individuals followed me.
RoleNameReason typeReason
KingChildebert IIResidence"Living in Koblenz"
BishopGregory, bishop of ToursVisitVisits King Childebert II


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem8.13573594