Le Vaudreuil (villa)

Type:Elite property
Town:Le Vaudreuil
Original text:Fredegundem quoque reginam ad villam Rodoialensim, quae in Rhodomagensi termino sita est, abire praecepit. Secutique sunt eam omnoes meliores natu regni Chilperici regis. Ibique relinquentes eam cum Melanio episcopo, quo de Rhodomago submotus fuerat, ad filium eius se transtulerunt, promittentes, quod ab his studiosissime nutriretur.
Translation text:He [Guntram] told Queen Fredegund to return to the manor of Rueil, which is in the Rouen area. With her went all the chief men of King Chilperic's realm. There they left her in the care of Bishop Melanius, who had been deposed from the episcopate of Rouen. Then they transferred their allegiance to her son Lothar, promising that he should be brought up with the greatest care.
Property type:Royal palace
Property owner:Fredegund
Action or transaction type:Other
Publications:Longnon 1878: 237-238


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem7.19573594