Chelles (villa)

Type:Elite presence
Original text:Chilpericus ... ad villam Calensim, quae distat ab urbe Parisiaca quasi centum stadiis, accedit ibique venationes exercit. Quadum vero die ... adveniens quidam eum cultro percutit sub ascellam iteratoque ictu ventrem eius perforat ... iniquum fudit spiritum .... Mallulfus autem Silvanectensis episcopus, qui iam tertia die in tenturio resedebat et ipsum videre non poterat, ut eum interemptum audivit, advenit.
Translation text:Chilperic ... went off to his manor of Chelles, which is about a dozen miles from Paris. There he spent his time hunting. One day ... a man stepped forward, struck him with a knife under the armpit and then stabbed him a second time ... that was the end of this wicked man [Chilperic] ... Only Mallulf, Bishop of Senlis, who had been encamped for three days in a tent at Chelles, waiting in vain to have an audience, came forward when he heard that Chilperic had been assassinated.
RoleNameReason typeReason
KingChilpericDeath of a personAssassinated after returning from a hunt
BishopMallulfVisitPetitioning Chilperic


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem6.46573594