
Type:Christian cult place
Original text:Sed nec illum insalutatum relinquo, cuius gressibus indesinenter sanctorum limina visitantur et nunc super Musellae litoribus praecelsa templi cernitur construxisse iam culmina, et de cuius doctrina regum sunt ornata palatia. Per te enim, beatissime papa, saluto universam plebem pastorali vobis sollicitudine commendatam, qui, orationibus vestris obtinentibus, inlaesa erit, divinis obtutibus praesentanda.
Translation text:'But I do not leave him ungreeted, whose steps constantly visit the shrines (limina) of the saints, and is now seen to have built the high towers of a church over the banks of the Moselle, and whose teaching has adorned the palaces of kings. For through you, most blessed bishop, I greet the entire people entrusted to you with pastoral care, who, by gaining your prayers, will be presented unharmed to the sight of God.
Type of Christian cult place:
Person role:Bishop


Epistolae Austrasicae22450600