
Type:Elite presence
Certainty:Region Uncertain
Original text:[De Lupo duce ...] quae tibi sit virtus cum prosperitate superna, Saxonis et Dani gens cito victa probat. Bordaa quo fluvius sinuoso gurgite currit, hic adversa acies te duce caesa ruit. Dimidium vestris iussis tunc paruit agmen; quam merito vincit qui tua iussa facit! Ferratae tunicae sudasti pondere victor et sub pulverea nube coruscus eras, tamque diu pugnax axie fugiente secutus, Laugona dum vitreis terminus esset aquis.
Translation text:[...] The race of the Saxons and the Danes, speedily conquered, show what virtue is yours with blessing from above. Where the river Borda runs with winding stream, there the battle line confronting you as Duke was slaughtered and perished [...] long fighting on, pursuing as the line of battle fled, until the end was reached at the Lahn with its grassy waters.
RoleNameReason typeReason
DukeLupus, duxConflict warWar against Saxons and Danes
Publications:Pietri/Heijmans 2013: 1210-1211, s.n. Lupus


Fortunatus, Opera PoeticaVenanti Honori Clementiani Fortunati presbyteri Italici Opera pedestria7.7.49-60570600