
Type:Elite presence
Original text:Nubila quae rapido perflante Aquilone venitis /
pendula sidereo quae movet axe rota,/
dicite qua vegitet carus mihi Gogo salute./
Quid placidis rebus mente serenus agit?/
Si prope fluctivagi remoratur litora Rheni/
,ut salmonis adeps rete trahatur aquis,/
an super uviferi Mosellae obambulat amnem,/
quo levis ardentem temperet aura diem,/
pampinus et fluvius medios ubi mitigat aestus:/
vitibus umbra rigens, fluctibus unda recens./
Aut Mosa dulce sonans, quo grus, ganta, anser, olorque est,/
triplice merce ferax—alite, pisce, rate—?/
an tenet herbosis qua frangitur Axona ripis,/
cuius aluntur aquis pascua, prata, seges?/
Esera, Sara, Cares, Scaldis, Sate, Somena, Sura?/
seu qui Mettis adit de sale nomen habens?/
Aut aestiva magis nemorum saltusque pererrans/
cuspide, rete feras hinc ligat, inde necat?/
Ardenna an Vosagus cervi, caprae, helicis, uri/
caede sagittifera silva fragore tonat?/
Seu validus bufalus ferit inter cornua campum/
nec mortem differt ursus, onager, aper?/
An sua rura colens exusta novalia sulcatet/
rude cervici taurus aratra gemit?/
Sive palatina residet modo laetus in aula,/
cui scola congrediens plaudit amore sequax?/
An cum dulce Lupo pietatis iura retractant/
consilioque pari mitia mella creant,/
quo pascatur inops/
viduae solacia praestent, parvus tutorem sumat, egenus opem?
Translation text:Clouds who come on the blast of the fierce north wind,/
who, suspended on high, move with the sun in the starry heavens,/
tell me what health my dear Gogo enjoys./
What occupies his carefree mind in tranquil times?/
if he lingers by the banks of the wave-driven Rhine/
to catch with his net in its waters the fat salmon,/
or roams by the grape-laden Moselle’s stream,/
where the gentle breeze tempers the blazing sun,/
where vine and river moderate the midday heat:/
shade under the knitted tendrils, water with fresh flowing waves./
Does the Meuse, sweetly sounding, haunt of crane, goose, gander, and swan,/
rich in its threefold wares, in fish, fowl, and shipping,/
hold him, or where the Aisne breaks on grassy banks/
and feeds pastures, meadows, and fields with its waters?/
or the Oise, Saar, Cheir, Escaut, Sambre, Somme, or Sauer,/
or the river by Metz, named after salt [the Seille]?/
Or else does he wander the sunny groves and glens/
and with his net snare wild animals, with his spear kill them?/
Does the forest crack and thunder in the Ardennes or Vosges/
with the death of stag, goat, elk, or aurochs, shot by his arrows?/
Does he strike between the horns the brow of the sturdy bison,/
can bear, wild ass, and boar no more delay their fate?/
Or does he cultivate his property, furrowing the dried-out tilth,/
as the bull groans at the plow’s weight on his untrained neck?/
Does he now sit joyfully in the palace hall/
with an attendant retinue that rejoices in their love for him?/
Or does he join with my dear Lupus to dispense merciful justice,/
to create by their common counsel a soothing honey,/
by which the poor are fed, widows gain comfort,/
the young receive a guardian, and the needy aid?
RoleNameReason typeReason
CountGogoResidenceAustrasian courtier/magnate
DukeLupus, duxResidence
Publications:Roberts 1994: 2
Roberts 2009: 257-260
Martindale 1992: 541-542, s.n. Gogo
Pietri/Heijmans 2013: 899-901, s.n. Gogo
Williard 2016: 258


Fortunatus, Opera PoeticaVenanti Honori Clementiani Fortunati presbyteri Italici Opera pedestria7.4.1-30570600