
Type:Elite presence
Certainty:Region Uncertain
Original text:De obito Chrodini ducis [...]
Eo anno Chrodinus obiit [...] Nam sepe a novo fundans villas, ponens vinias, aedificans domus culturas eregens, vocatis episcopis quoram erat parva facultas, dato epulo, ipsas domus cum culturibus et culturis, cum argento, parastromatibus, utensilibus, ministris et famolis benigne distribuebat ...
Translation text:The death of Duke Chrodin [...]
Chrodin died in this year. He [...] endowed churches most lavishly and supported the clergy. He would lay out new estates, plant vineyards, build houses and prepare land for cultivation. Then he would call in those bishops whose revenue was small, give them a good meal and share all the buildings among them, with the farm-workers and the land which he had cleared, adding money, hangings, utensils, servants and slaves ...
RoleNameReason typeReason
Publications:Martindale 1992: 312-313, s.n. Chrodinus


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem6.20573594