Berny-Rivière (villa)

Type:Elite presence
Original text:Congregati igitur apud Brinnacum villam epsicopi in unam domum resedere iussi sunt. Dehinc adveniente rege, data omnibus salutatione ac benedictione accepta, resedit. Tunc Berthramnus Burdegalensis civitatis episcopus, cui hoc cum regina crimen inpactum fuerat, causam proponit meque interpellat [...] quod Rigunthis regina, condolens doloribus meis, ieiunium cum omni domo sua celebravit, quousque puer nuntiaret [...] se haec a Leudaste audisse. Ille autem [...] iam fugam inierat.
Translation text:The bishops assembled in King Chilperic's villa at Berny-Rivière, where they all ordered to take up residence in the same building. The King arrived, he saluted all those present [...] Then Bertram, Bishop of the city of Bordeaux, against whom, in company with the Queen, the charge had been brought, outlined the case and interrogated me [...] Princess Rigunth, in her sympathy for my sufferings, continued fasting with the whole of the household until one of the servants came to announce [...] Leudast. The Count had already fled
RoleNameReason typeReason
BishopGregory, bishop of ToursCouncilCouncil of Bishops 580 interrogating Gregory
Royal (other)RigunthResidence
KingChilpericCouncilCouncil of Bishops of 580
QueenFredegundCouncilCouncil of Bishops of 580
BishopBertram, bishop of BordeauxCouncilCouncil of Bishops of 580
CountLeudastCouncilCouncil of Bishops of 580
Publications:Halfond 2010: 321


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem5.49573594