Soissons - St. Medard

Type:Elite presence
Original text:Post haec infantulus iunior, dum nimio labore tabescit, extinguetur. Quem cum maximo merore deducentes a Villa Brinnaco Parisius, ad basilicam sancti Dionisi sepelire mandaverunt. Chlodoberthum vero conponentes in feretro, Sessionas ad basilicam sancti Medardi duxerunt, proicientesque eo ad sanctum sepulchrum, voverunt vota pro eo; sed media nocte anilus iam et tenuis spiritum exalavit. Quem in basilica sanctorum Crispini atque Crispiniani martirum sepelierunt.
Translation text:Meanwhile their youngest son wasted away before the onslaught of the disease and finally died. With broken hearts they carried him to Paris from their estate at Berny, and buried him in the church of Saint Denis. As for Chlodobert, they placed him on a stretcher and carried him to the church of Saint Medard in Soissons. They set him down before the Saint's tomb and made vows for his recovery. He died in the middle of the night [...] They buried him in the church of the holy martyrs Crispin and Crispinian.
Type of Christian cult place:Double
RoleNameReason typeReason
Royal (other)ChlodobertDeath of a personSick


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem5.34573594