Bertunensim oppidum

Type:Elite presence
Original text:Ab hoc enim sacerdote sancti martyris Mallosi corpus repertum est hoc modo. Cum fama ferret, hunc apud Bertunensim oppidum martyrium consummasse, occultum erat hominibus illis, quo in loco quiesceret; erat tamen oratorium inibi, in quo nomen eius invocabatur. Supradictus [Eberigisilus] vero pontifex in honore eius basilicam aedificavit [...]
Translation text:Bishop Eberigisilus discovered the body of the martyr St Mallosus in this way. Although it was reported that Mallosus had consummated his martyrdom in the village of Birten, men were uncertain where he had been buried. There was, however, an oratory there, in which his name was invoked. The aforementioned bishop Eberigisilus built a church in honor of Mallosus so that whenever he received some revelation about the martyr he might, with the Lord's approval, transfer his holy body to the church. Finally, in the side of the church, that is, in the wall which was next to the oratory, he built an arch and included the oratory in an apse." He beseeched the pity of the Lord that he reveal whatever he might order concerning the martyr. Later a deacon at Metz was guided by a vision and learned where the martyr was buried. A short time later he came to bishop Eberigisilus. Although he had never been there before, it was as if he were reciting familiar landmarks that he had seen in his vision. He said to the bishop: 'Dig here, and you will find the body of the saint,' that is, in the middle of the apse. When the bishop had dug about seven feet down, the scent of an overpowering perfume reached his nose and he said: 'Since this sweet fragrance surrounds me, I believe in Christ, because he has revealed his martyr to me.' Digging further, he found that the holy body was intact. In a loud voice he cried out, 'Glory to God in the highest,' and he had the entire clergy chant psalms with him. After singing a hymn he transferred the holy body to the church, and with the conventional laudations he buried it. Some say that the martyr Victor is also buried there, but we still do not know any revelation about his tomb
Type of Christian cult place:Double
Person role:Bishop
Date of foundation from:580
Date of foundation to:594
RoleNameReason typeReason
BishopEbergiselVisitOversees construction of basilica
Publications:Longnon 1878: 384-385
Runde 2004: 14-16
Rasch 2005: 151-152
Weidemann 1982: 162-163


Gregorius Liber in Gloria Martyrum62585594