Thérouanne (province)?

Type:Elite presence
Original text:a Tarabannensibus circumventus est, dicentibus, quod, relicto patre eius Chilperico, ei se subiugarent, si ad eos accederit. Qui velociter, adsumptis secum viris fotissimis, ad eos venit. Qui velociter, adsumptis secum viris fortissimis, ad eos venit. Hi praeperatus detegentes dolos, in villam eum quandam concludunt [...] Advenientem autem regem mortuos est repertus
Translation text:He [Merovech] was led to his destruction by the people of Thérouanne, for they pretended that, if he would join them, they would throw off their allegiance to his father Chilperic and accept him as their leader. He chose a band of his most valiant followers and marched swiftly to join them. They thereupon set up the ambush which they had prepared and surrounded him in a certain country-house [...] When the King [Chilperic] arrived Merovech was found dead.
RoleNameReason typeReason
Royal (other)Merovech, son of Chilperic IDeath of a personHiding from Chilperic
KingChilpericConflict limited (private fight, feud)Chasing Merovech
Publications:Martindale 1992: 885-886m s.n. Merovechus 1
Rivers 1984


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem5.18573594