Vitry-en-Artois (villa)

Type:Elite presence
Original text:Veniente autem illo ad villam cui nomen est Victuriaco [...] tunc duo pueri cum cultris validis, quos vulgo scramasaxos vocant, infectis vinino [...] utraque ei latera feriunt. At ille vociferans atque conruens, non post multo spatio emisit spiritum. Ibique et Charegyselus cubicularius eius conruit; ibi et Sigila, quo quondam ex Ghotia venerat
Translation text:He [Sigibert] advanced to the royal villa of Vitry [...] Two young men [...] then came up to SIgibert, carrying the strong knives which are commonly called scramasaxes, and which they had smeared with poison [...] they struck him on both sides [...] he died soon afterwards. His chamberlain Charegisel was killed at the same time and Sigila, who had joined him long before from the Goths
RoleNameReason typeReason
KingSigibertDeath of a personAssassinated by agents of Fredegund
OtherCharegiselDeath of a personcubicularius
OtherSigilaOtherseriously wounded
Publications:Longnon 1878: 414-415


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem4.51573594