Arras (ecclesia, cathedral?)

Type:Christian cult place
Original text:Pervenit ergo, ut ecclesiam introiret. Quam cernens incultam ac neglentiam civium paganorum praetermissam, veprium densitatem oppletam, stercorum ac bestiarum habitaculum pollutam, merore corda subdit omnique tristicia colla submittit. Nec prorsus hominis habitatio urbem frequentabat, que olim ab Attilane Chunorum rege diruta ac torpens squalore relicta fuerat. Ibi et habitatio ursi reperta, quem cum animae dolore a vallo urbis eiecit, ac ne Crientium fluviolum, qui ubi fluit, ultra progrederetur
Translation text:And so he [Vedast] came to enter the church. Seeing it uncared for and neglected, through the negligence of the pagan citizens, overwhelmed by a dense growth of brambles, and polluted with dung as a habitation of beasts, he gives his heart over to grief and bends his neck in utter sadness. The city was scarcely crowded with people's dwellings: it had once been destroyed by Attila, king of the Huns, and had been left languishing in squalor. And there he found the den of a bear, which he expelled in mentral distress from within the city walls, and he ordered it never to cross the stream of the Crinchon, which flows there.
Type of Christian cult place:Female
Person role:Unknown
Date of foundation to:540
Publications:Prévot/Gaillard/Gauthier 2014: 434-435
O'Hara/Wood 2017: 68-78
Dabrowska/Jacques 2006: 94-95
Mériaux 2006a: 245-246


Vita VedastisVita Vedastis episcopi Atrebatensis Duplex6650700