Metz (region)

Type:Elite presence
Original text:Ad Vilicum episcopum Mettensem. Gurgite caeruleo pelagus Mosella relaxat et movet ingentes molliter amnis aquas [...] hoc Mettis fundata loco speciosa coruscans piscibus obsessum gaudet utrumque latus. Deliciosus ager ridet vernantibus arvis; hinc sata culta vides, cernis at inde rosas. Proscipis umbroso vestitos palmite colles, certatur varia fertilitate locus. Urbs munita nimis, quam cingit murus et amnis, pontificis merito stas valitura magis: Vilicus, [...] orando hinc patriae ducis ad astra caput [...] horrea praemittis melius quam condita servans: quas sic diffundis dat paradisus opes. Culmina templorum renovasti, Vilice cultor ...
Translation text:To Vilicus, Bishop of Metz. With its dark stream the Moselle spreads forth its main, and the river softly rolls along its great waters [...] Metz, established at this point, gleaming with splendour, rejoices, both sides besieged by fish. The delightful domain is bright with flourishing fields; here you see tended crops, and there you behold roses. You look forth on hills clothed in shady vines, fertile growth of all kinds strives for place. O city, exceedingly well fortified, girt with wall and river, you stand to flourish all the more through the merit of your bishop, Vilicus [...] by praying you guide your country's capital [sic] to the stars from here [...] You lay up granaries ready in advance better than by hoarding the stored grain [...] you have restored the lofty places of the temples, Vilicus the builder...
RoleNameReason typeReason
BishopVilicus, bishop of MetzResidencebishop of Metz
OtherVenantius FortunatusVisit
Publications:Roberts 1994
Roberts 2009: 51
Halsall 1995a: 12
Brown 2012: 503


Fortunatus, Opera PoeticaVenanti Honori Clementiani Fortunati presbyteri Italici Opera pedestria3.13570600