Moselle (river)

Translation text:Among the smoking villa roofs on the bank [...]

I wanted to escape and see the broad spreading fields [...]

But not even here are the unyielding stones free to be without fruit; indeed the rocks are fruitful and flow with wine. Here you see on all sides the hills clothed with vine shoots and the wandering breeze stirs their tendrils; the vines are clustered thickly in rows, planted on the crags, the painted line reaches the ridge; the patches cultivated by the farmers shine amidst the savage rocks; the pleasant vine glows red on the pale rock, where the rough stone produces honey-sweet clusters of grapes, and on the barren flint the fruitful grape delights on the ridge where vineyards grow luxorious tresses below the bald mountains, and shade verdure clothes the dry quarries; from them the vine-dresser plucks the deep-hued grapes, and himself hangs from the overhanging rocks as he picks them [...]

Although there are vineyards here in broad stretches on the hills, another area is of level tilled land; but the abundance of that beautiful place is all the greater because there is a second harvest for the people in the waters.
Publications:Roberts 1994


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