
Type:Elite presence
Original text:Franci vero cum Parthenium in odio magno haberent, pro eo quod eis tributa antedicti regis tempore inflixisset [...] confugium ab urbe facit ac duobus episcopis suppliciter exorat, ut eum ad urbem Treverecam deducentes [...] Igitur accedentibus episcopis ad antedictam urbem, cum strepentes populi seditionem ferre non possint, eum in eclesia abdire voluerunt.
Translation text:The Franks hated Parthenius bitterly, for in the time of the late King [Theudebert] it was he who had levied the taxes [...] he fled from the city and begged two bishops to help him. He asked them to escort him to the town of Trier. [...] The two bishops reached Trier, but they could do nothing to quell the riot of the howling mob, and they had to hide Parthenius in a church.
Property type:Aristocratic property
Property owner:Adalgisel (Grimo)
Action or transaction type:Gift
Benificiar role:Institution
Benificiary:The matricula of Trier.
RoleNameReason typeReason
OtherPartheniusVisitMagister Officiorum atque Patricius, tax-collector. Murdered in Trier
Publications:Wood 1994: 63
Arnold 2014: 260, n. 136
Martindale 1980: 833-834, s.n. Parthenius 3


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem3.36573594