
Type:Elite presence
Certainty:Region Uncertain
Original text:Et fiunt monstrae mirae magnitudinis ut rex Higlacus qui imperavit Getis et a Francis occisus est [...] Cuius ossa in Rheni fluminis insula, ubi in Oceanum prorumpit, reservata sunt et de longineo venientes pro miraculo ostenduntur.
Translation text:About Hygelac King of the Gauts
And there are freaks of nature of remarkable size, such as King Higlac, who ruled the Gauts and was killed by the Franks [...] His bones are preserved on an island in the River Rhine where it breaks out into the (North) Sea and are exhibited as a marval to people who come from afar.
RoleNameReason typeReason
OtherChlochilaichBuriedGiant bones buried on an isle in the Rhine (Betuwe?)
Publications:Storms 1970
Goffart 1997: 84-86
Dijkstra 2011: 366


Liber MonstrorumLiber Monstrorum de Diversis Generibus1.2700850