
Type:Elite presence
Certainty:Region Uncertain
Original text:Ny ys leodum wen / orlog-hwile, syððan underne / Froncum ond Frysum fyll cyninges / wide weorðeð. Wæs sio wroht scepen / heard wið Hugas, syððan Higelac cwom / faran flot-herge on Fresna land, / þær hyne Hetware hilde genægdon / elne geeodon mid ofer-mægene, / þæt se byrn-wiga bugan sceolde, / feoll on feðan; nalles frætwe geaf ealdor dugoðe. Us wæs a syððan / Merowioingas milts ungyfeðe
Translation text:Now our people can expect a time of war, when the fall of the king [Beowulf] becomes widely known to the Franks and the Frisians. The cause of complaint, a harsh one in the eyes of the Hugones, was created when Hygelac sailed with a naval force into the land of the Frisians, where the Hetware laid him low in battle [...] Ever since then the favour of the Merovingians has been denied to us.
RoleNameReason typeReason
OtherChlochilaichConflict war(=Hygelac) Raiding the coastline of northern Gaul
Publications:Storms 1970
Goffart 1997: 84-86
Dijkstra 2011: 366
Wood 1994: 50

