
Type:Elite presence
Certainty:Region Uncertain
Original text:His ita gestis, Dani cum rege suo nomen Chlochilaichum evectu navale per mare Gallias appetunt. Egressique ad terras, pagum unum de regno Theudorici devastant [...] Theodobertum filium suum, in illis partibus cum valido exercitu ac magno armorum apparatu direxit.
Translation text:The next thing which happened was that the Danes sent a fleet under their King Chlochilaich and invaded Gaul from the sea. They came ashore, laid waste one of the regions ruled by Theuderic [...] he sent his son Theudebert to those parts with a powerful army and all the necessary equipment.
RoleNameReason typeReason
Royal (other)TheudebertConflict warFighting Hygelac's raid
OtherChlochilaichConflict war(=Hygelac) Raiding the coastline of northern Gaul
Publications:Storms 1970
Goffart 1997: 84-86
Dijkstra 2011: 366
Wood 1994: 50


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem3.3573594