
Type:Elite property
Original text:cum duabus villis, quas Ludowicus, a me sacro baptismatis fonte susceptus, amore nominis mei Piscofesheim sua lingua vocatis, mihi tradidit, sive cum Coslo et Gleni vel omnibus silvis, pratis, pascuis, quaecumque per diversos ministros Vosago infra, circum et extra, tam ultra quam citra Renum pretio dato comparavi antecessoribus meis ordinandis pro necessitate locorum ad vascula vinaria componenda annuatim distribuat.
Translation text:... along with two villae that Clovis bestowed to me, for love of me, after I received him in the baptismal font, namely those that are called in his tongue Piscofesheim with Kusel, Altenglen and all the silvae, in meadows, pastures, and whatsoever I purchased with donations from diverse ministers in and around the Vosges and on both sides of the Rhine, let these be used to administer yearly pitch [...] and let it be distributed yearly to these places for fabricating wine barrels
Property type:Aristocratic property
Property owner:Clovis
Action or transaction type:Gift
Benificiar role:Bishop
Publications:Delgado 2008: 287f


Grand testamentum of Remigius of ReimsGrand testamentum of Remigius of Reims73-84875880