
Type:Elite property
Original text:Ex quibus Celtus, quam per manum meam Celsa, sobrina mea, tibi tradidit, et Huldriciaca villa, quam Huldericus comes, ei loco, ubi ossa mea sancti fratres et coepiscopi dioceseos tuae ponenda elegerint, in tegumentis deserviant, sitque locus ille successoribus meis, Remorum et in alimoniis episcopis, peculiariter proprius; ibidem Deo militantium Vicus ex proprio in Portensi . . . et Villaris quoque ex episcopio Remensi424 deserviant.
Translation text:Regarding these gifts, Sault-Lès Rethel (Celtus), which my cousin Celsa bestowed to you through me, and the villa of Heutrégiville (Huldriciaca), which the comes Huldericus bestowed as a place where the holy brothers and fellow
bishops of your diocese ought to lay my bones, shall maintain a shelter therein and allow these places to become the property of my successors, the bishops of Reims; and let Viel-Saint-Remy (Vicus) from my estate (proprium) located in pagus of Porcien along with Ville-en-Selve, from the bishopric of Reims, supply sustenance (alimonia) for
those soldiering on behalf of God
Property type:Aristocratic property
Property owner:Hulderic
Action or transaction type:Gift
Benificiar role:Bishop


Grand testamentum of Remigius of ReimsGrand testamentum of Remigius of Reims55-63875880