Balham (Balatorium)

Type:Elite property
Original text:Tu, sancta heres mea Remensis aecclesia, colonos, quos in Portensi habeo territorio vel de paterna maternaque substantia, vel quos cum fratre meo sanctae memoriae Principio episcopo commutavi vel donatos habeo, possidebis,
Translation text:You, my holy heir, the church of Reims, shall take possession of the coloni, whom I have in the territory of pagus of Porcien either from my paternal and maternal substantia, or whom I exchanged with my brother of holy memory, Bishop Principius, and those whom I hold who were given to me [a name of coloni follows ...] as well as the arable fields that I control in the pagus of Porcien, namely Thugny, and Balham - or rather Préneluy and Vély; furthermore, anything else that I rightfully possess anywhere in the territory of this same Porcien, in its entirety, along with meadows, pastures, and woods you shall recall to yourself by the authority of this testament.
Property type:Aristocratic property
Property owner:Family of Remigius
Action or transaction type:Gift
Benificiar role:Bishop


Grand testamentum of Remigius of ReimsGrand testamentum of Remigius of Reims22-41875880