
Type:Elite property
Original text:[...] Basilecae s(an)c(t)i dom(n)i Dionisi Parisius, ubi ipse domnus requiiscit, uillare cognomenante Turiliaco, in pago Uilcassino su(per) fluuium Tytine, cum domebus, mancipeis, agris, pratis, pascuis, siluis, acquis aquar(um)ue decursebus, cum omni iure et termeno suo habendum et possedendum relinquo [...] Illud huic testamenti mihi inserendi conplacuit, ut, quos de seruientibus meis p(er) aepistolam ingenuetatis laxaui, in integra ingenuetate resedeant, tamen secundum quod eor(um) aepistolas loquetur et pro animae meae remedium et lumen praeferendum ad basilicae uestrae s(an)c(t)i Martini, que uestro opere et labor[e] [in u]illa Chrausobaci, qui nuncopatur Calciacus, construxistis, uel locum saepultur[ae] meae, si fuerit an non fuerit, in qua germani meae requiescunt [...] Act(um) Artegia in [uill]a, pago Uelcassino, sub d(ie) et a[nno] quo sup(ra [...]
Translation text:To the basilica of the holy lord Dionysius of Paris, where that lord himself rests, I leave the villa named Tourly, in the pagus of Vexin, over the river Troëne, with its dwellings, servants, fields, meadows, pastures, woods, waters and watercourses, to be held and possessed with every right and boundary... And it pleases me to include in this will, that I have manumitted through this document those who serve me, so that they might reside in full freedom; nevertheless, according to what is said in their documents, and for the remedy of my soul, they are to bring light to your basilica of Saint Martin, which you have constructed by your work and labour in the villa of Chrausobacus, which is called Chaussy, also the place of my burial, whether that should happen or not happen, and in which my siblings rest... Enacted at the villa of Arthies, in the pagus of Vezin, on the day and year above...'
Property type:Aristocratic property
Property owner:son of Idda
Action or transaction type:Gift
Benificiar role:Institution
Benificiary:Saint-Denis, Paris
Publications:Ouzoulias 1991: 83-84


Chartae latinae antiquiores 3Chartae latinae antiquiores 3no 569