Tours - St. Martin

Type:Elite presence
Original text:Audisti ava tua, domna bone memoriae Hrodehildis, qualiter in Francia venerit, quomodo domnum Hlodoveum ad legem catholicam adduxerit; et, cum esset homo astutissimus, noluit adquiescere, antequam vera agnosceret. Cum ista, quae supra dixi, probata cognovit, humilis ad domni Martini limina cecidit et baptizare se sine mora promisit, qui baptizatus quanta in hereticos Alaricum vel Gundobadum regum fecerit, audisti; qualia dona ipse vel filii sui in saeculo possiderunt, non ignoratis.
Translation text:'You have heard how your grandmother, Lady Hrodehildis [Clotild] of good memory, came into Francia, how she led the lord Hlodoveus [Clovis] towards the Catholic law, and how, since he was a most astute man, he was unwilling to acquiesce before he understood the truth. When he witnessed that the things I said above were proven, he humbly prostrated himself at the shrine of lord Martin and promised to be baptised without delay. You have heard how great were the things he did once baptised against the heretic kings Alaric and Gundobad. You are not ignorant of the kind of gifts he and sons possessed in the world.'
RoleNameReason typeReason
KingClovisVisitVisits shrine of St. Martin
Publications:Scholz 2015: 47


Epistolae Austrasicae8450600