
Type:Elite property
Original text:Ursinus optul(it) (S.R., N.T.). Chlothacharius (M.) in Chr(ist)i nomine rex hanc precep[tio]nem sub. Datum ... anno... regni] nostri, Stirpiniaco, f(e)l(iciter) in Domino, ad vet(us) pal(atium).
Translation text:Chlothar, king of the Franks, to his noble men Chrodegar... [further names, and part of the preamble to the charter are missing, losing the sense of what follows]... should wish to grant by law, with a sound mind, to churches from his own property by charter... [another lacuna]... our Dodo, abbot of the basilica of the holy lord Dionysius, martyr, our personal patron, a deed of Iohannes, a late merchant, son... [another lacuna]... something from his property to the basilica of this Saint Dionysius and the place of his holy relics, within the stronghold of the city of the Paris...'
Property type:Royal palace