
Type:Elite presence
Original text:Dag]obercth[us] rex sub. [Dado optolit (S.R.)]. [Datum quod ficit minsis October dies] quindece[m], an[no] X decemo ri[gni] n[ostro], in D(e)i [nomine], Cl[i]piaco, fel(iciter)
Translation text:'Dagobert, king of the Franks, to his noble men Wandelbert, dux, Gaganric, domesticus, and all agentes, present and future. It ought to be desirable to acquire eternal things from those that are transitory, and to earn eternal delights through the distribution of one's worldly substance. Therefore we, thinking over this matter so that we might deserve to be among the small number of the just in eternity [have confirmed] the villa, known as Iticina, situated in the region of Paris, which was [granted] by the brothers Landeric and Gangeric into the authority... [part of the text is missing]... in its entirety and with all its value to the basilica of the lord Dionysius, martyr, our personal patron, where that precious lord is seen to rest in body... for the security of our realm and the remedy of our soul... for the intercession of the aforesaid lord Dionysius, martyr...'
RoleNameReason typeReason
KingDagobertCourt caseCharter for St Denis
DukeWandelbertCourt casePresent at a confirmation of charter for St Denis
DomesticusGaganricCourt casePresent at a confirmation of charter for St Denis