
Type:Elite presence
Original text:Chlothacharius rex Francorum [...] Syggolen[us] optol(it) (S.R.N.T.). Chlothacharius (M.) in Chr(ist)i nomine rex hanc preceptionem sub. (L.S.). [Datum sub die .. Kalendas] Iulias ann(o) XLI regn(i) nostri, Sterpiniaco, fel(iciter)
Translation text:'Chlothar, king of the Franks, to his noble men... [parts of the preamble to the charter are missing, losing the sense of what follows]... we believe, with Christ's guidance, to retain with confirmatory deeds, if those things which we recognise as the portion of the holy lord Dionysius, our personal patron... [another lacuna]... we generally confirm and order to remain in steadfast dignity. For that reason, that venerable man, our father Abbot Dodo, a deed of gift [i.e. of Dagobert, named later in the charter]... [another lacuna]... concerning a plot of land, which is within the walls of the city of Paris inherited from his father, the late Baddo, known to have been granted to the basilica of the holy lord Dionysius, martyr, where Abbot Dodo is seen to serve...'
RoleNameReason typeReason
KingChlothar IICourt caseCharter for St Denis