Saint Denis

Type:Christian cult place
Original text:Ursinus optul(it) (S.R., N.T.). Chlothacharius (M.) in Chr(ist)i nomine rex hanc precep[tio]nem sub. Datum ... anno... regni] nostri, Stirpiniaco, f(e)l(iciter) in DOmino, ad vet(us) pal(atium).
Translation text:Chlothar, king of the Franks, to his noble men Chrodegar... [further names, and part of the preamble to the charter are missing, losing the sense of what follows]... should wish to grant by law, with a sound mind, to churches from his own property by charter... [another lacuna]... our Dodo, abbot of the basilica of the holy lord Dionysius, martyr, our personal patron, a deed of Iohannes, a late merchant, son... [another lacuna]... something from his property to the basilica of this Saint Dionysius and the place of his holy relics, within the stronghold of the city of the Paris...'
Type of Christian cult place:Double
Date of foundation to:500