Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (Elnone)

Type:Elite presence
Original text:EXEMPLAR PETITIONIS SEU CONIURATIONIS SANCTI AMANDI DE CORPORE SUO. IN NOMINE DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI EGO AMANDUS MISERRIMUS ET PECCATOR. [...] et quia nos Deus in isto locello qui vocatur Elnonis perducere dignatus est, quem super largitate regia propria labore visi fuimus construxisse [...] Quam epistolam fratri nostro Baudemundo presbitero fieri rogavimus.
Facta epistola in monasterio Elnone anno secundo regni domni nostri Teuderici gloriosi regis sub die XV. Kl. Mai.
Ego Amandus peccator hanc epistolam a me factam consensi et subscripsi.
Ego in Christi nomine Reolus acsi pecctor subscripsi.
Ego in Christi nomine Mummolenus episcopus sibscripsi.
Ego in Christi nomine Vindecianus acsi peccator episcopus hanc epistolam, rogante domno Amando, consensi et subscripsi.
Ego Bertinus abba subscripsi.
Ego Aldebertus abba subscripsi.
Ego Iohannes rogatus a domno Amando consentiens hanc epistolam subscripsi.
Ego Baudemundus peccator, iubente domno meo Amando, hanc epistolam deliberationis suae scripi et subscripsi.
Translation text:Since God has willed to lead me to this humble place of Elnone, where I have built a monastery with my own labor on land given by royal largess [...] asked our brother Baudemond to draw up this letter. This letter was drawn up in the monastery of Elnone in the second year of our Lord the Glorious King Thierry, on the 15th Kalends of May [April 17, 674 or 675].
I Amand, sinner, have consented to this my letter and have subscribed it. [Other signatures follow: they include those of the Metropolitan of Reims, the bishops of Noyon and Cambrai, and the famous Abbot Bertin of Sithiu-later St. Bertin.]
RoleNameReason typeReason
BishopAmandusOtherSigns testament of Amandus
BishopReolo, bishopOtherBishop of Reims, signs testament of Amandus
BishopMummolenus, bishopOtherBishop of Tournai and Noyons, signs testament of Amandus
BishopVindicianusOtherBishop of Cambrai-Arras, signs testament of Amandus
AbbotBertin, abbotOtherAbbot of Sithiu, signs testament of Amandus
AbbotAldebertOthersigns testament of Amandus
OtherIohannesOthersigns testament of Amandus
OtherBaudemondOthersigns testament of Amandus
Publications:Prinz 1965: 164-166
Hillgarth 1969: 138-139


Vita AmandiVita Amandi Episcopip. 483-485675700