
Type:Elite presence
Original text:13. Per idem autem tempus, cum loca vel dioceses ob animarum sollicitudine vir Domini circuiret Amandus, audivit pagum quendam praeterfluenta Scaldi fluvii, cui vocabulum Gandao indidit antiquitas, diaboli laqueis vehementer inretitum, ita ut incolae loci illius, relicto Deo, arbores et ligna pro Deo colerent atque fana vel idola adorarent. Propter ferocitatem enim gentis illius vel ob terrae infecunditatem omnes sacerdotes a praedicatione loci illius se subtraxerant, et nemo audebat in eodem loco verbum adnuntiare Domino. [...]
14. Illud etiam operae praetium huic scedulae adnectendum putavimus, quod, viro venerabili praesbitero nomine Bono narrante, didicimus, qui testabatur se presens fuisse, quando haec gesta res est. Agebat namque, quod comes quidam ex genere Francorum cognomine Dotto, congregata non minima multitudine Francorum [...]
15. Nam ubi fana destruebantur, vir Domini Amandus tam ex munificentia regis, quam et de conlata religiosorum virorum religiosarumque feminarum statim monasteria aut ecclesias construebat [...]
Translation text:13. While the man of God, impelled by his zeal for souls, was engaged on his travels, he heard of a region situated across the River Scheldt, to which antiquity had given the name of Ghent. This region was so caught up in the devil's nets that its inhabitants offered worship to trees and pieces of wood
instead of to God; they built shrines and adored idols. Because of the savagery of its people and the infertility of the soil no bishop had preached there nor had anyone dared to proclaim the word of God. [...]
14. We thought it worth adding to this account what we learnt from the venerable presbyter Bonus, who testified he was present on the occasion. A Frankish Count, by name Dotto, was holding court before a large assembly of Franks [...]
15. [...] Where the temples had stood the man of God Amand, thanks to royal munificence and to the alms of devout men and women, built monasteries or churches [...]
RoleNameReason typeReason
BishopAmandusResidenceMissionary activity
CountDotto, comesResidenceCount speaking law in the region of Gent
DeaconBonus, presbyterUnknownPresent at law court
Publications:Esders 2016


Vita AmandiVita Amandi Episcopi13-15675700