Autun (outside the walls)

Type:Elite presence
Original text:minse Septembre Flaochadus cum Chlodoueo regi Erchynoaldo idemque maiorem domus et aliquibus primatebus Neustrasies de Parisiaco promouens per Senonas et Auticiodero Agustedenum accesserunt ...
Translation text:[Willebad] camped with his followers not far from the city. [...] He sent bishop Ailulf of Valence and Count Gyso into Autun [...] Erchinoald also seized his weapons [...] Willebad was attacked by Flaochad and the Dukes Amalgar, Chramnelen and Wandelbert with their men [...] a count of the palace, Berthar, a Transjuran Frank [...]
RoleNameReason typeReason
Maior domusFlaochadConflict limited (private fight, feud)Feud or civil war against the patrician Willebad
Maior domusErchinoaldConflict limited (private fight, feud)Feud or civil war against the patrician Willebad
DukeAmalgarConflict limited (private fight, feud)Feud or civil war against the patrician Willebad
DukeChramnelenConflict warFeud or civil war against the patrician Willebad
DukeWandelbertConflict limited (private fight, feud)Feud or civil war against the patrician Willebad
OtherWillebadConflict limited (private fight, feud)patrician, feud or civil war with Flaochad
CountBerthar, comes palatiiConflict limited (private fight, feud)Feud or civil war against the patrician Willebad
Publications:Wood 1994: 156


Fredegarius, ChronicarumChronicarum quae dicuntur Fredegarii scholastici. Libri IV cum continuationibus4.90642660