
Type:Elite presence
Original text:Dagobertus ad Clippiaco resedens mittit nuncius in Brittania [...] Iudacaile rex Brittanorum, corso ueluci Clippiaco cum multis munerebus ad Dagobertum perrexit, ... Cumque Dagobertus resedissit ad prandium, Iudacaile aegrediens de palacium ad mansionem Dadone referendario ... Anno quinto decimo regno Dagoberti Wascones omnes seniores terre illius cum Aiginane duci ad Dagobertum Clipiaco uenerunt...
Translation text:Dagobert, then at Clichy, sent a mission into Brittany [...] Breton King Judicael went at once to Clichy with a quantity of gifts to ask pardon of King Dagobert. [...] When Dagobert did sit down to table, Judicael left the palace and went to dine at the residence of the referendary Dado ... In the fifteenth year of Dagobert's reign, all the Gascon lords and their duke Aighyna came to seek Dagobert at Clichy.
RoleNameReason typeReason
KingDagobertResidenceReceives the Breton king Judicael
OtherAudoinResidenceLives near royal palace
DukeAighyna, SaxonVisitEscorts the Gascons to Dagobert
Publications:Martindale 1992: 33, s.n. Aighyna


Fredegarius, ChronicarumChronicarum quae dicuntur Fredegarii scholastici. Libri IV cum continuationibus4.78642660