Arelao villa

Type:Elite presence
Original text:Ut Bertoaldus pocius interiret, eum ripa Segona usque Ocianum mare per pagus et ciuitates fiscum inquerendum dirigunt. Bertoaldus a Teuderico directus, cum trecentus tantum uiros illis partibus properauit. Cumque Arelao uilla uenisset et uenationem inibi exercerit, haec conperiens Chlotharius, filium suum Maeroeum et Landericum maioris domus cum exercitum Bertoaldum opprimendum direxit et maximam partem inter Segona et Legere pagus et ciuitates de regno Theuderici presumpsit contra pactum peruadere.
Translation text:Bertoald was sent to inspect the royal domains in the cantons and cities along the banks of the Seine up to the Channel.This was done the more easily to procure his death. Bertoald set out with a mere three hundred men for the district to which Theuderic had sent him. He went hunting when they reached the villa of Arèle. Chlothar got to hear of this and so sent a force under his son Merovech, and Landri, mayor of his palace, to overpower him. Flouting the agreement, this force dared to storm through most of the towns and the countryside between the Seine and the Loire which belonged to Theuderic.
RoleNameReason typeReason
Maior domusBertoaldVisitInspecting royal lands between the Seine and the Channel
Maior domusLandriConflict warMarching against Bertoald
Royal (other)Merovech, son of Chlothar IIConflict warMarching against Bertoald
Publications:Longnon 1878: 137


Fredegarius, ChronicarumChronicarum quae dicuntur Fredegarii scholastici. Libri IV cum continuationibus4.24-4.25642660