
Original text:Greg.Hist. 2.9: Treverorum civitas a Francis direpta incensaque est secunda inruptione.
Translation text:Greg.Hist. 2.9 "The city of Trier was sacked and burnt by the Franks in a second attack"

Fredegar 3.7 "The city of Trier was seized and burned by Franks because of the intrigue of one of the senatorial class, Lucius by name. Since the emperor Avitus was inclined to depravity and this Lucius had the most beautiful of all wives, Avitus, contriving to despoil the marriage bed because of the craving of his body, ordered all his servants to summon her. When Lucius' wife returned to him, she had been raped by Avitus. On the morrow, rising from his bed, Avitus said
to Lucius: 'You have a beautiful warm bath, but you wash in the cold.' Lucius was angry at these things and with his connivance the city was seized and burned by the Franks"
Publications:Woodruff 1987: 103-109


Gregorius, HistoriarumGregorii episcopi Turonensis historiarum libri decem2.9573594
Fredegarius, ChronicarumChronicarum quae dicuntur Fredegarii scholastici. Libri IV cum continuationibus3.7642660